Thursday, December 31, 2009

A New Year

This is my SSS blogging debut and I have to say that I am beyond excited to be a part of this movement! So, let me begin by saying that all are welcomed. Even big, preg-o women like me who are forever trying to gain control of sugar cravings and weight. It is a constant battle, simply because I LOVE FOOD (especially things with sugar). There you have it, plain and simple. So, why, if the admission of my love for sweet goodies, is so simple, why is the conquering of it SO profoundly difficult/complex? Am I genetically wired to love sweet sugar? Am I psychologically weak or dependent on food for comfort? Possibly both :) Either way, I totally believe in the power of the mind and the ability to change. Which belief is a great prelude to my New Years Resolution:
1.This year, I will gain self-control over my sugar cravings by reducing the amount of sugar I eat. Not only in the sweet side of food, but in complex carb's as well. I think sugar is addictive and highly disguised in many other foods that come in healthier packaging than what you see at the check-out stand at the grocery store :) This year, I want to be a food sleuth and learn more about how sugar affects the foods I eat and my body. This information will fuel my ability to make better decisions about sugar as I learn the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about sugar :) Bring it, 2010.
2. Lose all of my baby weight...I mean all of it from #1-#3. No more excuses. I honestly feel like getting sugar cravings under control will make this possible. Good-bye, Sour Patch Fruit Salad. I know you have zero real fruit in you anyways....
Good luck to all of us as we begin our journey to achieve our goals this year! Next week, we should discuss findings about sugar and ways to stick to our New Years Resolutions, because no doubt, we are going to count on each other to stick this out--365 of keeping a goal...let's face it, that will feel better than any sugar rush :)
Cheers to our New Year,

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Will I Ever Change?

Dear Sugar Sisters,

I'm sitting in a lazy chair at the Cabin.
The Christmas tree twinkles beside me.
Trev was gone snowboarding all day.
The kids and I had fun playing on the ice, making cookies, and crafting together.
It's holiday time.
I think I've gained 5 pounds and we're still on 'vacation'.

Where is my self control I wonder... it lost amidst the wrapping paper and the traveling? it hidden in all the toys? it forgotten underneath the fuzzy sweater?

Will I ever find it again?

Time for a New Year's resolution:

I will be a better eater, exerciser, and blogger this coming year! I will regain my self control and change my lifestyle so that I can be healthier and feel better physically, mentally, and spiritually.

I'm really going to do this.

Wish me luck.
