Wednesday, June 2, 2010

As Time Goes By...

Dear Sisters,

Here I am again. Feeling guilty for the things I've eaten today and for not posting in way too long. I've decided to start using this blog as a journal of sorts. You see, I think regularly of food and of treats and I thought maybe here would be a good place to write down what I think about it. Maybe by doing so I'll be able to make sense of it all and actually be able to find something that works for me as far as eating healthy goes.

So I guess it would be good to start with today. I've been thinking lots as of late about calories and about what a proper caloric intact would be for someone like me. My sister suggested 1800 as a good amount for someone who is mildly active and wanting to drop a few pounds...I think maybe 1500 would be more ideal until I reach my desired weight and then maybe increase my calories then to 1800. I'm not sure what my feelings are on this though. It seems like such a pain to be constantly measuring and calculating what I eat and keeping track of things either on paper or in my head but in reality loosing weight is not an easy, carefree thing to do so the reality is that counting calories just might be part of it.

One of my major problems is I like food. And, I like making good food for my family. I try really hard to put whole foods on the table for my hubby and my kids; making a well rounded meal is pleasurable for me and it gives me a lot of satisfaction in myself when I'm able to do so. I do try to plan healthy meals which include all four food groups and offer a wide variety of tastes and things for my kids to try. This week for instance I've cooked salmon with french bread and bruschetta and salad, last night we ate lettuce chicken wraps (which were heavenly) and fruit salad, and tonight I made crock-pot italian chicken with green salad with cheddar cheese in it. Tomorrow I'm making hamburger soup with cheddar and chive biscuits and we've also got manicotti on the menu this week with broccoli and salad as sides. We make cookies and chocolate cake on a regular basis and I try to make buns and bread often. I've always thought that homemade is better then store boughten so I really try to avoid processed foods when I can and turn to basic homemade foods instead. Cooking like this takes a lot of work but I enjoy it and the result is almost always something me and my family like to eat.

As time goes by I'm beginning to realize that I'm now 31. My metabolism is slowing down, I've had 3 kids, and I like good food. So, where does this leave me? I truly wish I was one of those people who spring out of bed at 5 a.m. bouncing off the walls ready to do an hour workout before showering and having the house cleaned up before her kids get up in the morning. I keep hoping that as I get older I'll begin to love sleep a little less and that getting up in the morning won't be such a chore for me...the sad thing is it probably always will be. And, so the mind games begin. The challenge I now find myself facing is becoming self-disciplined enough to make eating right and exercising regularly part of my life. Something that I just do instead of something I'm always 'trying' hard to get control of. Maybe by the time I kick the bucket I will figure this out. Hopefully in the mean time I'll be able to loose a few pounds and become happier with my self image in the process.

With any luck, one of these days I'll figure this all out.

Have a good night.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Confessions...of a sugaraholic.

Dearest Sisters,

It's been way too long since I've posted on here.
I think it's because of guilt.

I had the best intentions of starting the New Year out on a 'no sugar' goal.

Who was I kidding?!

I don't even think I made it a week into the New be honest I didn't make it past the first day. I've realized, as of late, that I'm addicted to the sweet stuff. I eat it when I'm tired, stressed, busy, or just want some.

No self control going on here.

What is my problem? Does anyone out there know if there are support groups for people like me? I seriously want to cut back but just don't know how to do it while convincing myself that I don't really want it anyways.

Any thoughts on this?


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Crystalline Fructose

So, this week, I was label reading on my favorite brand of yogurt, Mountain High Yogurt (buy it if you can...SO good!). It mentioned that crystalline fructose (the type used in their yogurt) has a lower glycemic index than high fructose corn syrup (a common sweetener). Here is a website with some great info:
Do you have any favorite "low glycemic index" foods?? I could sure use some suggestions :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I thought I'd try to start the New Year out right and set some goals on eating better. I'm trying to cut back on my sugar, milk and simple carbs (ie. grains). So far, at only a week into it, I haven't been very successful. I'm a stress eater. When life is stressful I tend to eat sweets and such. Do any of you have an suggestions on what to do instead of eat? I'm a little worried that at the end of this life crisis I'm going to weight 200 pounds.

Not a fun thought.

The weather was sunny today. Lots of snow melted and me and the kids went for a long walk. It was so good to be outside.

Have a good night.

Friday, January 8, 2010

On a cold day...

Dear Sisters,

I made soup for supper.
I love soup on a cold day.
Tonight it was chicken noodle.
Thick hearty chicken noodle soup with homemade whole wheat bread and butter.
It was so delicious.

I had a healthy day. No treats. I'm proud of myself.

How was your day? What did you make for dinner?
