Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Dear Sisters,

Almost two weeks ago Trevor and I decided to try out the paleo diet. I wasn't overly keen on the idea to begin with. Going without milk or grains was not something I thought of as 'fun', but I'm kinda tired of my frumpy baby/mommy body so I thought,

'What the heck, I can do anything for a couple of weeks'.

It's been 10 days.

I've lost 5 pounds.

All of a sudden I love the paleo diet and cutting out dairy and grains isn't so hard. I'm kinda proud of myself. I've even cheated a few times. I guess eating healthy just needs to become my lifestyle instead of something I feel forced to do. Hopefully by the end of all this I achieve the goal I'm working towards. I just want to feel better about myself...any fit into my favorite jeans again.

...I'm craving a peanut butter Oreo Blizzard at the moment. Did you know that they're on sale at DQ right now? I think that place is out to get me...

Have a great night,

1 comment:

  1. Glad to know I am not the only one who has a hard time when the Blizzards go on sale.

    How was the diet? Are you still following the Paleo diet?
