Tuesday, September 22, 2009



I guess this is the place I will tell all my sugar secrets to. I'm going to start with the one I'm sure nobody knows. I figure I've got to start slow into this process. Weaning myself off sugar just might be as hard as quitting smoking, or going off crack. After all sugar is an addictive behavior...or should I say substance.

Here I go.
Enough beating around the bush.

Secret #1: Sometimes I buy treats and hide them under my side of the bed.

O no.
I said it out loud.
Shh-don't tell anyone.

It was such a perfect hiding place. The kids never look there and neither does Trev. I can sneak treats whenever I think of it and eat them uninterrupted in the quiet of my room. Do I really want to give up that part of my existence? When I was a kid I did the same thing with my Halloween candy. I'd put it in a giant bowl and hide it under my bed and eat it all the time and tell no one where it was.

Old habits are hard to break.

Hopefully after today I will have broken this one.

Day #2 All and all a good day. I did have a bowl of sugar cereal as a snack after picking my daughter up from school. But refrained from eating the chocolate chips that I looked at every time I opened the pantry door. Maybe I should move them to a different location that is out of my direct line of vision. That might help matters.

I'm craving cookies at the moment.
Cookie dough even more so.

It's a good thing it's 9:24 pm and I'm tired tonight, otherwise I might have energy left to do some baking.



  1. ERIN!
    I freaking LOVE YOUR GUTS!
    This is the best idea ever. I need to get in on this..


  2. I do this too!! But, I have hiding places throughout the house (in my room, and in the kitchen). I hide things in the kitchen because it is closer to where I spend the majority of my time, the kitchen and the living room.

  3. What you hide candy and treats under you side of the bed. And to think that I have been sleeping so close to so many treats and not even knowing it. I can't believe it.


  4. I hide treats to keep them out of sight. If they are out of my vision, I can withstand them and often forget they are there. It is when I stumble upon or find them that I am in trouble.
